
Welcome to my online GIS portfolio! I'm thrilled to have this platform to share my passion for geospatial technology and its applications.

I first discovered my passion for spatial data during my undergraduate years at the University of Washington, where I earned a B.S. in Geology. After taking courses in remote sensing and GIS, I pursued a Master’s in Geographic Information Science and Technology at USC's Spatial Science Institute, graduating in May 2023. My research focused on analyzing tree canopy cover change in LA parks using remote sensing and spatial analysis techniques.

Professionally, I’ve had the opportunity to apply GIS in diverse fields:

Outside of work, I’m the lead organizer of Maptime Seattle (MaptimeSEA), where I help plan and deliver monthly GIS and cartography tutorials. Through MaptimeSEA, I aim to create an inclusive space where people can learn, experiment, and share knowledge about GIS, cartography, and geospatial coding—whether they’re new to the field or experienced professionals.

I’m always excited to connect, collaborate, and exchange ideas with fellow spatial technology enthusiasts. Feel free to reach out!